Coordinating Council Green solidarity with movements in the region of hope: self-determination, a global human rights
World public opinion, Iran's claim to sovereignty of the people of Bahrain Defence Coordination Council rejects Green Hope, in his statement to the sixth issue of payment and the Middle East democracy movements in support of these movements, noted: authoritarian regimes in the reaction and the common stereotype With widespread use of state media, democratic movements in his country and dependent provocative foreign powers have tried to introduce and organize the elements of the police and armed forces and paramilitary groups and plainclothes thugs specially hired to make as a spontaneous popular protests in defense of authoritarian regimes to suppress movements act.

Libyan opposition and government forces captured the city on Bryqh
Between supporters and opponents of Muammar his control over the strategic oil city in East Bryqh Libya, heavy fighting is going on.According to reports, none of the two sides failed Qyt their hair in this city to consolidate. Meanwhile, Nato announced investigate air strike on Friday under the control of forces the organization to opposition forces in Bryqh has begun. Witnesses say before the air strike, a group of opposition with the air defense of NATO warplanes to the shooter. The shooting is not clear from the opposition and was happy to sign or Gaddafi forces among rebels, have infiltrated.

Bahraini government closed the newspaper critic
Bahrain's main government newspaper critical of the government closed it to cover the "immoral" anti-government protests news in recent weeks accused the country. Aljmry Mansour, editor Alvst, government action in an effort to close the newspaper "to silence independent news" calls in Bahrain. Last week, Bahraini government Alyvsf Mahmoud, a prominent activist and blogger detained and then released. Prominent critics of his free speech restrictions have been in Bahrain. In mid-March, Bahrain's Sunni king ordered the suppression of Shiite protesters, most are issued. So far over 300 people have been arrested.

Responsibility for attacks on PJAK Kurdish army forces took over
Life Party of Kurdistan, known as PJAK in a statement released on the site responsible party to attack security forces and the Iranian border in the region took Marivan. Al-Arabiya in a statement signed by "East Forces Central Command base in Kurdistan," has been announced "11 military bases in the Persian month Farvardin between School and affiliated Syanav Marivan city in response to violent death in prison comrade Hussein Khezri Urmia and create pressure on created a team of Grylahayman target was. "

Seven written warnings to the Government House
Notices written in parliament to the executive officials of countries represented Note 3 to the President as well as hints to the ministerial representatives of Industries and Mines, Commerce, Agriculture and Energy was introduced. Mohammad Dehghan Zvhyyt lady Parliament written notices to the chief executives of the nation's representatives on Monday to open session today, read the following:

Stop up the news
U.S. News and Khbranlayn ratio, is reversed. The major media, and media sites are considered minor or supplements, daily. Therefore all partners Writer, Writer's actually been online at the end of each day, the day a selection of products in their newspaper format and printed Raynd give; products themselves in the hours before the Web environment have been published and present the new package and contingency as required or popular audience written media, their rearrangement.

Kiarostami's films, five billion sold
Global sell film copies the principle "Abbas Kiarostami border over four and a half billion USD. According to statistics published on the websites related to international sales currently released films, film, copy the principle of "directed by Abbas Kiarostami and Nqshafryny" Juliette Binoche "until 31 March (11 April) Worldwide sales of four million and 130 thousand dollars has gone through . The film released in cinemas in the third week, selling 557 thousand dollars America has reached 78 thousand dollars in the first week, second week 132 dollars and 191 dollars in the third week of the sale of 48 theaters has obtained donor.

Iranian ship seized last release announced in Malta
Nymhrsmy Fars news agency on Sunday quoted the Islamic Republic Shipping Company CEO reported that the last aircraft of the Iranian vessels seeking UN Security Council sanctions under arrest were released. Foreign News Agencies in the first days of January 1389 seized a cargo ship related to Iran's shipping "debt" to the owners of several European banks in Hong Kong waters were reported.

Ahmadinejad: Hillary does not know what / what Kuwait is to Because we're spying?
Ahmadinejad: the state where no debt. Khbranlayn Mahmoud Ahmadinejad continued his news conference with local and foreign media that ended minutes ago in response to a reporter who asked him about the invitation of Foreign Languages Persian networks Hillary Clinton's Foreign Minister to attend the Network America asked, said: Very good. He speaks much better, because what does not. We can not we stop them. Communications course, we have characters. Our prosperity of human society, eliminate poverty, problems and programs ... we need the media to take the world to offer

Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, Iran's involvement in the Arabic countries condemned
Persian Gulf Cooperation Council, Iran's apparent interference in the internal affairs of member states the council strongly condemned.Danshjvnyvz quoting Radio Free Europe, the warning member states foreign ministers meeting of the council which was held in Riyadh the Saudi capital, was introduced. The emergency meeting was held on Sunday 3 April to recent developments in the region, particularly Iran's involvement in the Arabic countries and regional networks affiliated to Iran's intelligence to put discussion. The Council of the Arab countries of Persian Gulf, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia and United Arabic Emirates, has been formed.

Iranian Cultural Heritage Louvre in Paris, "relations" to
Head of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization of Iran on Monday of disconnection with the Louvre in Paris said. Hamid survival of prominent European museums like the Louvre Museum and Great Britain as "centers of seemingly scientific" named and accused the Louvre "Hdshkny" on. Fars News Agency reported, Hamid survival in a news conference at the National Museum of the link said: "From here I announce today that any cooperation with the Louvre will not because according to the agreement with the museum long before signed Iran was a historical need to display in the museum was transferred to our country but the Louvre has Hdshkny about it. "

Afghans protest continued for the fourth consecutive day Qransvzy
Widespread protests in Afghanistan continued to be burned copy of the Quran in America for the fourth consecutive day on Monday about 300 protesters at the Afghan eastern province of Laghman took to march hand. According to the Associated Press, the protesters, carrying sticks and clubs, which have to throw stones towards policemen and policewomen have Laghman province and also in response to disperse protesters have fired air July.

Central Bank: inflation rate reached 89 years to 12.4 percent
Central bank official said in a report from the 10.8 percent inflation rate in 88 years to reach 12.4 percent in 89 years. Based on this report based on the inflation rate in 1389 compared to 1388 (twelve months ending March 1389 compared to the twelve months ending March 1388), inflation in 89 years was equivalent to 12.4 percent. However, the Fars report, inflation rate in 88 years was equivalent to 10.8 percent.

Armed men in two U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan
Afghan military officials say a man dressed ABP will don two U.S. soldiers in Faryab province in northern Afghanistan killed. However, for the fourth consecutive day of protests in Afghanistan against the Quran burning in United States of America continues. NATO officials say a man suspected of shooting on Monday after the NATO troops, fled from the place. The incident occurred when the NATO troops in Faryab Province Integrated Border Patrol with a local commander of dialogue would. Coalition forces have fun researching about it.

Greece: A delegation from Gaddafi is seeking crisis end
Greek officials say a delegation from the George Muammar Papandryv Greek Prime Minister has said that Libyan leader wants end to the conflict in their country. Dymytrys Drvtsas, Greek Foreign Minister said on Sunday seems to Libyan authorities "in search of a solution" to end the military conflict between government forces and opposition are Gaddafi.

NATO leaders in Afghanistan, condemned the burning of Quran
Commander of American troops and NATO civilian representative in Afghanistan, burning the Quran by a priest in America, condemned the Extremist. The acting pastor of the deadly conflict in war-torn country of Afghanistan led. General David Petraeus, commander of coalition forces led by America in Afghanistan, in Kabul on Sunday while speaking to journalists condemned the burning of the Koran and the families of those who protest against the Quran being burned and killed, said the family condolences sympathy to the injured

Rafi Pytz: Iran is an explosion on the border
Location: a dirt road overlooking the city of Tehran. Time: late afternoon. Sound: Ambassador bullets. Objective: A police car that moves quickly. Shooter: Rafi Pytz. These are shots of the film "Orion" are. Political Action and a story that Pytz Rafi, the famous Iranian filmmaker in world cinema, the role of the main characters plays and screenplays and also author is the director. "Christine Daisy" Reporter Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty in Prague International Film Festival margin from 24 March to the first of April was held, with Rafi Pytz about the film and picked up his political and social situation in Iran has dialogue.
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