Information Please: time and space Funeral Pykrmyr Ismail Mousavi, we will tomorrow
Body Haj Ismail Mir Hossein Mousavi Mousavi noble father, tomorrow, Thursday, in front of his house in the neighborhood funeral will Drkhvngah Tehran. Green magazine: Tomorrow, 8 pm, and thirty minutes in the morning the body of the late Ismail Mir Mousavi front of their home address 15 May Street, West Drkhvngah St., martyr Akbar Race St., expensive glass, owner of Lane Funeral will be provided. Also in the funeral segment also will be the ninth cemetery.

Muammar potential application for asylum is being studied to Uganda
Italian opinion that only the African Union is able to persuade Gaddafi to leave power. However, the union due to internal disagreements, was absent at the meeting in London yesterday. RFID: While Al-Arabiya TV this morning claimed that Uganda ready to accept if Muammar forced him to leave Libya to British Foreign Secretary Astvylyam spores once again emphasized that although his administration's diplomatic efforts will continue to shelter Colonel Qaddafi to find, however these efforts do not stop the other countries in similar actions do about it.

Highest alert status was declared in Japan
Prime Minister of Japan due to aggravation of the crisis in nuclear power plant Fvkvshyma highest alert status in the country announced.Kahn Nayvtv in front of parliament spoke said: "While the government at the highest alert status is to deal with this problem will. Japanese Prime Minister while continuing nuclear crisis on the Fvkvshyma unpredictable, he said. According to the report, plutonium in the soil around the town land was found that symptoms Dai Aychy melting fuel rods in reactors is the plant.

"Mousavi father's funeral remained unfinished; arrested at least seven people in the ceremony"
The words website, close to Mir Hossein Mousavi, the Islamic Republic security forces from the funeral Thursday morning Miresmaeili Mousavi, Mir Hossein Mousavi's father, and prevent at least seven of the participants in the ceremony have been arrested. According to this website, funeral Miresmaeili Mousavi was going in front of his house in the neighborhood to be held in Tehran Drkhvngah interference and "overtaken" the Islamic Republic security forces remained Nymhtmam.

Baha'i leaders in Iran prison sentence to 20 years has increased
Baha'i International Community of Baha'i leaders in Iran to increase prison sentences to 20 years is reported. Tomorrow: the statement that this community has the appeals court ruling 20 years in prison for seven to 10 this year had reduced, but now they have told prison officials that the 20-year sentence for them is ok. The statement added since not given any verdict, it is not clear what was the cause of this decision, but called the Public Prosecutor demands violated the court order has been revised.

فروردین XI 1304 | Hijri calendar was the official
In the Persian date Farvardin 1304 into law on 11 months of the Persian Brvj of Representatives passed the National Assembly passed. Upon which the legal authorities and economic institutions required to use the solar calendar (solar) instead were lunar. The calendar we use today, is among the world's most accurate calendars. This calendar year the 127 (not 1390 years) is no longer in their lifetime and over many Nshybhay has passed. Some believe the first Hijri calendar Bdalghfarkhan Njmaldvlh be extracted. His 1264 calendar year on the sidelines of the Solar 807 3-1302 AH Jalali as mentioned and after that date, the calendar in common that its SSI based its origin and migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina is.Course calendar that he wrote to the Hijri calendar is famous tower that its principles are as follows:

Impact of severe economic pressure on the government overthrow Muammar
Financial Times newspaper, in a note that although this issue is dealt with establishing restricted area flying over Libya's territory during the last week has been able to attack government forces and civilians to avoid killing people, but this action caused the fall of the government yet. Patrick Krvnyn analyst and researcher at the center of American Studies "Nyvamrykn, wrote in the memo that if the government Muammar continue to survive any of the decisions of the London Conference, on Tuesday to review the crisis and the future of the country was held in Libya, the executive found the field will not. Thus intensifying economic pressure the government to punish the leaders of Libya, a very effective military power would America and its allies.

The verdict in favor of Chicago issued
An appeals court in America asked a number of families of suicide victims, based on ancient objects seized two museums in Chicago as the compensation was rejected. > Palestinian group Hamas in September 1997, three bombs in a shopping center has exploded in Jerusalem in which five people were killed and 200 wounded.Following this incident, arrested two members of Hamas and Israel were sentenced in court.

Deputy efforts of Muslim Police in Los Angeles for building trust between police and Muslim immigrants
Some Americans worry about their country spread of radical Islam are anti-Muslim sentiment among some American citizens are increasing.But the Bureau says the Los Angeles Police Department to combat domestic terrorism and establishing peace between Muslims and non-Muslims has U.S. perfect solution.

Belgium was also attacked Libya
So the report, overall the four F-16 aircraft, using weapons and laser guided munitions to attack targets have. Belgian media quoted the Ministry of Defense this country has been bombed several targets military installations announced. So the report, overall the four F-16 aircraft, using weapons and laser guided munitions to attack targets have.

Iranian diplomats expelled from Kuwait
A number of Iranian diplomats in Kuwait on charges related to a spy network fired. Sheikh Mohammad al-Sabah, Kuwait's foreign minister, the decision on Thursday and two days after it announced that a court in Kuwait, two Iranians and one in Kuwait found guilty of spying for Iran and sentenced to death. He number of Iranians did not specify which will be fired.

Tray fire incident in New York, what was the parasite?
Focus Pnchm in March 1911 AD, one hundred and 46 people in a fire in a textile factory in New York City burned. Most of those killed were migrant workers. The fire that the fire was called Tray parasites, causing public anger towards unfair conditions and unsafe work environment and a difficult struggle between workers and management about this situation led. The fighting even after a century, has not ended.

Hong Kong, Iran sanctions
Hong Kong on Wednesday announced that in keeping with UN Security Council sanctions against the Islamic Republic has imposed laws according to their property, including Iran Shipping Company is blocked. Enforcement of these laws were last Friday. The armed forces of this legislation about two months later the situation is that United States Treasury Department announced that 20 companies "face" in Hong Kong-based charges associated with the Islamic Republic Shipping Lines Co. has placed sanctions.

Photo 51 Rosalind Franklin for ever changing world of genetics was
Name of Rosalind Franklin, English scientist, is familiar to many. His investigation, the secret structure of DNA discovered. In 1952 CE, a molecule with Franklin Machine X - ray photography and showed that DNA, two strands are woven in a spiral housing, like a twisted ladder.The most transparent picture, which is known as Photo Number 51 led other scientists can build a model of DNA.

Top home address Miresmaeili late father, Mir Hossein Mousavi Mousavi
Shy funeral tomorrow, Thursday 89/01/11, 8 pm, and thirty minutes in the morning in front of their home address 15 May Street, West Drkhvngah St., martyr Akbar Race St., expensive glass, street authority. Nrh Yadmvn closure because the government and not crowded Tehran hopes to quiet the event package.

Iran welcomed the Cairo readiness to resume relations with Tehran
Looking statements Egyptian Foreign Minister that his country's readiness to resume relations with Tehran, and "opening a new chapter" in relations with Iran spoke, Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's foreign minister has welcomed the remarks. Tomorrow: The Islamic Republic News Agency, IRNA, Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's Foreign Minister Nabil Arabi remarks on Wednesday, his Egyptian counterpart in Cairo about the preparation for the resumption of relations with Tehran has welcomed.

'Killed' a police officer in Semirom
Public Prosecutor Isfahan province killed a policeman in the city Semirom said. BBC: Reza Habibi, Isfahan Public Prosecutor about the cause of killing a police officer said: "The police involvement in order to complete a number of city residents into action Semirom that happen."
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