Latest News from the NATO war against Libya
The White House announced: Obama America President, French President Sarkozy and British Prime Minister David Cameron believe that NATO should be the main role in the no-fly zone operations over Libya to play. Gaddafi will force the resolution to follow the Navy's top commander in Europe, America and Africa, said: "military operations in Libya's Muammar Gaddafi to follow until the UN Security Council resolution will continue. Admiral "Locke Lear" in Sixth October 2010 was appointed to the live audio in connection with a news conference about the latest situation in Libya said.

Establish a state of emergency in Yemen
Arabic media moments before the Parliament agreed to the above state of Yemen established with the aim of this country Aladdh inhibit widespread wave of popular protests and the protests against the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh reported. According to the Mehr news agency quoted Al-Arabiya network, the majority of the Parliament of Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh fans are the country's dictator, with a consensus vote to establish a state of emergency was in the country.Yemeni Parliament agreed with the establishment of a state of emergency in the country announced 30 days.

Washington Times: President Obama signs New Year congratulation to change U.S. policy towards IranU.S. Newspapers New Year congratulation to President Obama to the Iranian people for signs of change in U.S. policy against the Islamic Republic are reading. Wall Street Journal has written congratulation message to the Iranians Norouz President Obama, his strongest support from the political opposition and the Iranian youth to date, has taken on. This message indicates that the U.S. president is planning a wave of democratization in the region to pressure the Islamic Republic, should benefit

Ahmadinejad, Venezuela's secret bid to buy the country's nuclear facilities
More nuclear power plant shut down Venezuela, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran in a secret message to Hugo Chavez Buying the nation's nuclear facilities has. The same report by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in one of the leaders of a party has been leaked, if you accept this request from Iran to Venezuela, experts and representatives soon to discuss the country to visit and will send.

"Discovered a box of weapons in Iranian cargo plane in Turkey"
AFP quoted a security and judicial sources Turkey has reported that the Iranian cargo plane from Turkey on Saturday forced to land in Diyarbakir was obtained automatic weapons and crew of the aircraft have been interrogated. Times to published reports Saturday Aylvshyn a civilian aircraft with seven crew, the flight was destined for Syria, Turkey, forced to sit by the Diyarbakir airport in the East were in this country to be inspected Kyrd.

Slogan "neither Hezbollah nor Iran," the Syrian protesters lips; Six killed in mosque
While the news from Syria killed at least six people in a mosque is a tale of Bashar Assad forces, protesters in this country during their protests slogan "La Hezbollah, Iran, LA," "not Hezbollah, not Iran," chanted. Reports from Syria indicate that the military attack on Syrian protesters who had taken refuge in a mosque at least six people were killed. This was one of the paramedics Kshthshdgan to help wounded in the mosque is.

Obama: Coalition military mission in Libya is the implementation of Resolution 1973
President Obama traveled to El Salvador today, Wednesday, before the deadline would end. Because of criticism that the decision says the U.S. president orders military operations in Libya issued, but outside the country. President Obama has put before left El Salvador with U.S. national security advisers at a press conference, to participate.Muammar Gaddafi about U.S. policy in his withdrawal from power. But President Obama According to the international military campaign has been started for this purpose.

Syria's crackdown on protesters by government forces ignored
Syrian protesters Monday in Dra City, in southern Syria, Bashar Assad government opposed the president's hands in this country went to the protests. Yet deadly crackdown by government forces protesters prevented widespread protests to stop the opposition did not last three days. On Monday, anti-riot police chasing a small group of opponents that this action, was injured following. But the remaining works of the larger opposition marches, including government buildings on fire and went to rob, burned cars and damaged offices of the Baath ruling party was represented.

MP: dry lake environmental crisis in the Middle East
Assembly of Representatives President of Azerbaijan on the East drying House says Lake environmental crisis in the Middle East. Yusef Najafi in talks with IRNA reporter added: "Because Heavenly DESC reduction in recent years, about two-thirds of the lake water that destroyed gone in the near future if this trend continues, not only in Iran but also the environmental crisis in some neighboring countries and the Middle East will develop. "

Countdown to attack on Libya and the Acceptance of the ceasefire by the Gaddafi regime
Countdown to announcement of a military attack on Libya, Muammar Gaddafi's government gave full ceasefire. According to AFP, French sources reported last night that the UN resolution based on any flight ban on Libya sky, a military strike against Colonel Muammar Gaddafi regime in another few hours will do. Francois Barrow, a spokesman for the French government in an interview with television network announced that Rtyal country will participate in the military. That his attack on what time, where and what shape will be, did not say anything.

Libya's moves toward NATO naval
NATO ships approaching the coast of Libya, revolutionaries trying to break the city Ajdabya arrest, crime Grdanhay Gaddafi in a family massacre in the town and decided Msrath new Transitional National Assembly of the news is related to the Libyan people's uprising.Quoted by Al-Jazeera, the transitional National Assembly has decided to aid the Executive Council to establish and President Mahmoud Jbryl it has taken.

Taksymtr use was required in Tehran
Managing director of Tehran Taxi Taxi requiring the use of Taksymtr new year (1990) reported. 'Islamic Fazlullah' 90 years on the third day (Wednesday) Drgft talk with IRNA reporter added: "Taxi plans shall have been the beginning of the year, rental rates according to their passengers Taksymtr designated to receive based on km .

Three pieces of poetry dedicated to the wife of Mohammad Nouri Zad, and all Iranian women's land
He remains in prison for Dvalf to take over. Dedicated to my wife, and all three pieces of Persia Ladies lyrics

Statement more than eighty countries in condemning human rights violations around the world
More than eighty countries urged the international community continues to confront human rights abuses with the process of combating violence throughout the world continue. Today these countries Sdvy Tuesday with a joint statement in Geneva concerning the continuing violence and human rights violations with a focus on identity and sexual violence such as murder, rape and torture in all regions, expressed. The statement from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has been asked to deal with human rights violations with a focus on identity and sexual violence continue.

Yasser Sayed Khomeini condemned arrest, Mousavi has Karroubi
Last night to see my brother Ali had gone to his house. Some friends also came to see him. When I was going to go Hojjatoleslam Sayed Yasser Brotherhood and Khomeini's wife happened to see their respect and the affability of Ali on the eve of New Year was released from prison, did come. Personal Website doctor Mohammad Taghi Karroubi
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