Iranian students and the Swedish campaign support "green" companies are
Call for Global Campaign "Green Support" and Iranian students in Sweden will participate in ceremonies on March 12. Jrs reports, more reactions to the arrest and continuing uncertain situation ITL Green Iranian people, a group of Green activists and supporters abroad, the Iranians had asked the public on Saturday, the twelfth March (twenty Persian month Esfand months), the world's major cities to protest in solidarity with the people of Iran built.

Earthquake and tsunami death toll increases formidable Japan
Japanese police said the city "Synday in northeastern Japan is reported, had the most damage, 200 to 300 bodies have been found and about 349 people were declared missing. According to the Associated Press before the announcement, said casualties were 32 people and just when the death toll reached 88, the bodies being found news was announced. Officials with the progress of the debris search, the victims likely to increase statistics. All residents of the city government "Avnahama" ordered because one of the possible risk of nuclear reactors near the city, to evacuate the area. Authorities say the reactor cooling system is disabled.

Dozens killed after 8.9-magnitude earthquake off the coast of eastern Japan
8.9 Richter earthquake that power Japan's unprecedented in the history of earthquakes described on Friday the country's east coast and the City "Synday" struck and the last is reportedly dozens were killed following the earthquake. According to news agencies, The quake, which lasted about four minutes, caused tsunami waves in the East Japan falls way that followed, cars, ships and boats and houses destroyed in some parts of the city went to the fire.

Details of international sanctions against Libya and Muammar Qaddafi
Western governments, unions in Europe and the United Nations in response to bloody attacks on forces loyal to Colonel Qaddafi to his opponents, new sanctions against the Libyan government assets and carried at the Gaddafi family and European banks have blocked.Reuters has a look at individual cases to the recent international sanctions against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi and the regime: Austria: Austrian government ordered all assets owned by blocking Gaddafi, his family and others associated with his government has issued.Austrian central bank announced that the figure of about one billion two hundred million euros of assets and Gaddafi and the Libyan government in the Austrian bank accounts is

What is the Iranian Zoroastrian community future?
Richard Fvltz the Canadian Consultative Mrykayytbar various books and articles on Iranian history and culture is a new article entitled "Zoroastrians in Iran, what will be its birthplace in the future?" Published in the New Issue (65:1) Quarterly "magazine Middle East »(The Middle East Journal) have already been published. The Consultative veteran who travels to different among the Iranian Zoroastrian community has about past and future 20 thousand people Zoroastrian minority in Iran, writes today.

Great Britain: Iran was not in the London Olympics will not feel
David Cameron, Prime Minister of Great Britain in response to Iran's objection to the 2012 London Olympics logo has said that "due Ablhanhtryn" not possible for Iran in this competition, but "Iran was not in the Olympics will not be felt." Iranian officials argue that the London Olympics logo the word Tdayknndh Zion (Zion) and hence the "racist" and in a letter to the International Olympic Committee are calling for change.

Japan's stock fell
Kyvdv AFP reported: 8.9-magnitude earthquake followed in Japan, the Tokyo market stock index fell sharply in a way that Nicky Tokyo stock index to the lowest levels reached in the past five weeks. Brhmyn based index, with 179 units equal to a good and 72 percent to give ten thousand units and 254 declined, while the Tokyo market index Tapyks and 65 hundredth of a percent to 915 units declined. All sections of the Tokyo market fell in trading today, Friday at the head of the mining sector and the stock fell after the stock fell the most active companies in the area were metal.

Tsunami warnings for 53 countries in the Pacific were issued
Lrzە ground search Friday in Japan, tsunami warning for 53 countries in the Pacific were issued. Tomorrow: Following the massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake in Chile that occurred on Saturday morning, surrounding countries and regions to deal with tsunami from this earthquake had become Madhbash. Initial reports indicate that

Gender; Bly lives of women
Periods of embryonic, neonatal, childhood, adolescence, youth, and old Myansany, courses that are obvious in each individual life cycles are normal and everyone, all these steps will get through, but the cycle for women in most countries development, including in Iran, is rarely completely over.

Some year-end bonuses public managers
Hey Mr. CEO who own and board members, one to 50 million USD bonus last year and picked Bytalmal Kurds passed ... it's got the same worker is around Tehran that money does not ruin your child's teeth to kill his son and painful nights Nalhhay finds and kills an embarrassment?

Police chief: families Soori should be near their children
Alborz Tehran province police commander and emphasizing this is that the police against the people of joy, said: "People on Wed Khrsal Mvadmhtrqh standard of use. Courier Iran, Sardar Ali Akbrshahy conference Thursday on the sidelines Pasgahhay police stations and police commander of Tehran province and Alborz, added: "One-day seminar with the presence of police stations and outposts Alborz Province Governor and other officials we have held.

In a hundred years Women's Day: Women's achievements in the world
On the eve of the hundredth anniversary of International Women's Day on March eighth and we Nayereh this occasion with monotheistic, F. salubrity, Parvin Ardalan, Shahla Entesari and about women's achievements in these hundred years have dialogue. Held the first hundred years of the Eighth Day in March 1911 a woman passes.Women in that day for the first time in the streets of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Denmark had a strong and broad rally.

Latest UN report on Iran's Drug
World Organisation Against Drugs in its latest report on Iran's part, writes that one of the main ways of opium and drug trafficking from Afghanistan to Pakistan, Persian Gulf countries and Europe. Nearly 40 percent of Afghan drugs exported or consumed locally in Iran reaches or is exported to Russia and Europe.

Change of tone toward America and assessment of Iran's Atomic Bomb
James Klapr new report, the National Director of Information America, the Senate Armed Services Committee in Washington suggests revised content "intelligence assessment" of 2007 on military targets Iran's nuclear development, and there will agree "to obtain nuclear weapons production capacity in Iran.
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