Thursday, March 24, 2011


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Human rights resolution against Iran was adopted / Special Rapporteur on human rights will be dispatched to Iran
International Campaign for Human Rights: Human Rights Council, 22 countries agreed with the proposed resolution against Iran seven against and 14 abstentions a resolution voted against Iran which the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights should be deployed to Iran. In the minutes before the meeting (Time 1 pm Geneva time) ended diplomatic staff in their defense of the resolution should be passed to major time attacking human rights abuses in America and accused the council about the abuse has been used and spent away from the principles of design topics. Iran's envoy to the nerve seemed to support Brazil as well, even lost. The meeting voted in Brazil with a positive resolution for months actually lobby the government in Tehran would be ineffective. Iran's allies at the meeting as usual in Pakistan, Cuba and China Vchndyn other countries opposed the resolution, but the Brazilian government on that account I had a very good balance with a statement of the Special Rapporteur supported the resolution. 

Agreement with the UN Human Rights Council special rapporteur for Iran to determine
UN Human Rights Council, based in Geneva, on Thursday on a proposal the United States determined Iran's Special Rapporteur for Human Rights agreed. America on Wednesday expressed confidence that the resolution had been proposed in this area will have the necessary support. According to news agencies, to determine the resolution of human rights rapporteur for Iran, 22 members voted yes with the UN Human Rights Council adopted, while the 47-member Council of 14 members to vote for the resolution of seven members abstained and its negative vote did.

UK: Libyan Air Force destroyed
Air Force Commander Air Force Great Britain announced that the Libyan air defenses destroyed and serious damage this country has seen. According to Bgvl, this issue has caused the international forces fighters to any size they want to be able to fly the Libyan soil depth. According to international reporters, despite the opposition of international Pshtybanyhay but still managed to overcome the forces are not Gaddafi. On the other hand, the continuing military operations in Libya, yet there is no consensus. According to French Foreign Minister, representatives of the countries present in the air strike on Libya, the Arab League and the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council in Paris next Tuesday in this case will be discussed. 

Central Hospital, surrounded by security forces and prevent the transmission of drug Bahrain
Bahraini security forces surrounded with a tightening ring around <Central Hospital, the capital of drugs and ambulance transport the injured to refuse treatment. 

Four Colombians in America's intent to sell engines to Iran's F-5
According to American officials, a federal jury in Florida, four members of a family of America accused the Colombian trying to sell 22 F-5 military jet engines to Iran has been. Deutsche Welle 

Overthrow of Libyan fighters over the French
According to Fars, the newspaper "Al-Watan" wrote that a Libyan warplane bombed a French base during the city in the sky pilot, the head was overthrown and arrested and delivered to the Libyan forces. On the other hand Libya's news agency reported that the airport this morning for the first time in the city Aljfrh 800 km south of Tripoli target NATO warplanes were bombing. This is the first time NATO forces bombed southern Libya. 

Secretariat press Reza Pahlavi
March quarter 1390 to the fellow's knowledge are Rsanym recent text entitled: "Ali Reza Pahlavi letter will," has been published on Internet sites which we hereby deny its authenticity. Reza Pahlavi Secretariat 

Tunisia, blocked bank accounts to Gaddafi
Al-Arabiya news in Tunisian officials immediately announced Muammar bank accounts and five members of his family in this country have been blocked 

Whispers that seriously and started to hold protests in the day April 13 1390 (Bedar) and fear rule
News arrived from cities around the country suggests people plan to convert cents Bedar National Freedom to move the protest to achieve their goals. Bill Green: So far the people welcomed this move also was noteworthy in itself and also reporting the story for fear of our correspondents sent security forces to curb protests on this day is possible. The report adds that the commanders "in charge of preventing the extent possible objections" to this day are working hard to provide a way to contain the protests, according to those in sensitive areas such as parks, big cities (especially in Laleh Park in Tehran ) are. 

Yahoo, Google and Skype, "hackers target associated with the Islamic Republic"
Reports that hackers are trying to lead Internet users to fake versions of several reputable Internet site, a digital certificate to several security companies have web access. An attack which, according to Web security company, "it seems" the Islamic Republic has been Saman. Company Kvmvdv in New Jersey in the American digital certificates confirm the identity of Internet users is issued, said at least nine cases of such attacks that track considering the complexity of the Islamic Republic of Iran may be working. 

Closure British Embassy in Yemen
UK Thursday closed its embassy in Yemen and English nationals living in Yemen to leave the country soon encouraged. British Foreign Office announced Wednesday that only the embassy building will remain in Yemen, a Yemeni resident of English quick to leave the country and added that if urged Yemen's deterioration, other possible assistance to the citizens there will be English. 

Japan quake toll over 25,000 people
According to new statistics released on Wednesday that the Japanese police said, the earthquake and tsunamis devastating the country's North-East over twenty-five thousand dead and missing has left. According to new statistics released on Wednesday that the Japanese police said, the earthquake and tsunamis devastating the country's North-East over twenty-five thousand deaths and disappearances have left. 

Wide knowledge encyclopedia, an encyclopedia in which everything can be found
Iranian publishing market recently witnessed the most important cultural events in Iran over the past half century has been: Published Wide encyclopedia of knowledge. The eighteen-volume encyclopedia from beginning to end, a seat and a ravine, in the final days of autumn 1389 came to market in an empty field where the reference books and information to fill in Iran. 

Report: Libya to transfer command of NATO military operations
U.S. leaders, Britain and France believe that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO - responsible for regional acts are forbidden to fly over Libya. On Tuesday, U.S. president and his French counterpart, David Cameron, British Prime Minister, performance and achievements of the Coalition campaign in Libya to explore. According to the White House that the three leaders also Nzrnd flight ban imposed in the second stage of hyper Libya, that NATO should play a key role. This Wednesday in Brussels by the North Atlantic Council were discussed. Said to be most NATO member countries are calling it the command will be assigned to NATO operations, but also due to lack of membership in NATO Arabic countries, Arabic countries in partnerships Topic Mode Command operations in the current debate in political circles about the transmission Operations Command, has been proposed. 

New regulations for food and milk imports from Japan
U.S. new restrictions on imports of food and milk from Japan has imposed. Other countries to restrict imports of agricultural products from Japan have been under review. Meanwhile, officials in Japan, new products sent to the list of vegetables that the area is prohibited Fvkvshyma nuclear power plant, have been added. 

Website of the famous hoax is suspected
Sobhani-nia: Tshtt between fundamentalist forces are more
No news Azsrnvsht a citizen detained in Sanandaj
Deedar defense minister Amriکa New Egypt
President Obama: Military is not safe
Obama: America is that politics must go Gaddafi
Voice of anti-aircraft fire was heard in the sky Tripoli
"Break the silence Kfnpvshan against Ahmadinejad
Germany abstained criticism continued to vote to attack Libya
Legal Corps: Corps of economic activity is based on instruction led, Khbranlayn
Charge Nirohaی Bassij Iran and Hezbollah of Lebanon by Mcharکt der Srکob objectors Syrian Arab
A group of political prisoners in Evin Message: never to see the spring we do not deal with the guards, the word

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Register to Iran

The remaining members of the partnership and re-summon mujahideen Revolution: banned political statement 

The remaining members of the partnership and re-summon mujahideen Revolution: banned political statement 

Friday; "day of rage" protesters Bahrain 

Yemeni protesters continued emphasis on street protests until the government fell 

Council and Yemen by Deit Voukadh saw Dad 

Khomeini's grandson, house arrest, Mousavi and Karroubi condemned 

Two civilians killed and wounded to the Nvsvd 

Kianoosh martyr brother Asa: Crime against the silence will not 

Degrading pro-government representatives and supporters of women's activists 

Achieved without the efforts of the Islamic Republic in Geneva summit 

Suspend all flights to Bahrain, Iran, Iraq and Lebanon 

Ali Motahari: Ahmadinejad and the Initiation of deregulated believe no veil issue 

UN calls for transparent and independent research on violence against protesters by the Syrian government was 

Yemeni opposition, the new president promised the government rejected 

Tajzadeh: my case the authorities do not request any

School year, fears of attacks in Afghanistan by Taliban

Abroad, the main base is secular 

Dozens killed and injured in bloody clashes Gezelhesar Prison 

10 600 premature deaths and thousands of Iranians on air pollution 

Green Cinema directors: We left our hearts on the field Lulu! 

Evidence of non-Crکt Hyatt Iranian Nowruz Jahani Jashn der der Niuyorک 

Western diplomats: Iran once again has violated the arms embargo 

Condemning Iran's human rights abuses in Canada's Parliament 

Iranian site 

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