Sunday, March 20, 2011

Like last year, the Green New Year will Brsfhh Submission
Nowruz is coming again and again to the smell of spring comes spring Msham with nostalgia. This is the second New Year fellow vigorously not permanent, cholera coming to grief on the breast comes Yadyaran martyr, remembered Daliran imprisoned, oppressed damaged learn, learn Antzarvyad mothers of children orphaned by the eye is green like the grass our Nowruz Haft Seen and remains green as green ideas are in the other New Year eve we aimed to have an appointment at this time the green heart and his friends get together. Those who have their names forever immortal blood will keep them with their green ideas spread Sin Ydshan behind bars in widescreen and we will also Hmrh heart and their will and their families along with our New Year spread with green keep alive the memory of them will be completed

Minorities Draynh past year / from Kurdistan to Azerbaijan who was in Amman
Past year for religious minorities like the Sunnis, Baha'is, Yaresan [from right] and ethnic minorities like the Kurds, Baluchis and Iranian Azerbaijani year was difficult. This year began with the mass executions, with explosions and killings continue and ended with the assassination. It at the same time that the fire had been Kurdish John forests and lakes were drying time, as more water to extinguish the fire did not hold..

Wandering people in the border Bashmaq / hundreds of people waiting in the dust Eid
Bashmaq border here in the last hours of 1389. Not the boundary gives everything, even the smell of spring Marivan forests fires so far about 890 have gone through trying to survive have begun to enter the border, but that show Bashmaq soil to the smell of everything.

Islamic uprising "and the exception: Syria Protests Censorship in Iran
89 years in the last days of holidays in the news media and newspapers together, the wave of popular protests to the dictatorial regimes in the Middle East, to spread to Syria and on the first day of the protest and as the New York Times Posted at least four tons of the opposition to Bashar Assad were killed by security forces; protests to the official media were not the way to them as "Islamic uprising" was not given.

Fighters "Tornado" Great Britain bombed several points Drlyby
Great Britain Ministry of Defense sources said fighters "Tornado" This morning the country Sunday 20 - 3-2010 few points bombed Libya. Al-Arabiya: Jun Lvrymr military spokesman, General Great Britain said: "I approve Great Britain Royal Air Force Stvrmshadvr few rounds of some Tornado fighter GRE was 4." Official sources emphasized fighters flying from the East came to Great Britain and after the end of the base Mamvrt left.

Authoritarian media: Why the protesters, Ftnhgr say? Why do you arrest the leaders of the protests?
Two medium-dependent ruling autocrats in Iran, of being called Ftnhgr Bahraini protesters and ambivalence Qrzavy, governments towards America in Arabic and they have criticized the protests, but the dual Ahmadinejad's stance towards Iran and Syria in the same events and conduct conflicting media sponsor rights against government protesters in various countries, did not any mention.

Tens of thousands gathered in grief Kshthshdgan Yemeni citizen protests Friday
Streets of Sana'a, Yemen's capital, scene of Sunday's rally once again tens of thousands of Yemeni citizens in the protests on Friday were Kshthshdgan grief. According to AFP, the bodies of about thirty tons Kshthshdgan in the field near the university placed on Sana'a and demonstrators angry slogans against the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh have. In Friday's protests, 52 people, mostly with people shooting clothes, were killed and thus the number of protests Kshthshdgan Yemen, came to about 80 people.

"The situation in Japan's nuclear plants is improving Dayychy"
Reports from Japan suggest that present nuclear power plant engineers Dayychy Fvkvshyma have succeeded in the three reactors for electricity to flow throw the plant and one of the Japanese authorities announced that the plant situation is improving. According to Reuters, Sunday, 300 present in the plant engineers were able Dayychy Power Plant Reactor No. 2 to connect, and while that to the CNN news network, power reactors 5 and 6 as well as the plant had fallen earlier to stream .

Second Iranian cargo plane forced to land in Turkey for inspection
A few days after the forced landing of a cargo plane Iranians "suspicious" at the airport headed to Syria, Diyarbakir Turkey, Turkish security officials on Sunday to stop a cargo plane forced another Islamic Republic in the same airport for inspections reported. According to AFP, the plane Saturday night and looking down the command from the Turkish authorities had to stop was the airport. Officials still have the aircraft inspected to ensure that the said aircraft is not going to prohibit any military weapons or to transfer to Syria.

China and Russia's military intervention in the West have criticized Libya
International coalition operations against supporters Muammar response has been facing various countries in America and Hmpymanansh while air and sea capabilities to run their no-fly zone have been mobilized over Libya, China and Russia criticized the language of military intervention in the West Gshvdhand Libya. Saturday evening, Barack Obama, America's President, who has traveled to Brazil stressed that military intervention in Libya in response to its people, who are actually threatened, has been done.

Military operations "at dawn visit, repeated on Saddam to Gaddafi
Beginning with the first part of joint military operations "Odyssey Down" (Travel at dawn), by America and Naval Operations "Elamite" Great Britain by the Navy, shortly after the invasion of 20 independent French fighter aircraft to the Libyan soil, Countdown Gaddafi began pushing power. Eight years ago, the same day (March 19) America and Great Britain's military joint operations against Saddam's regime began to collapse 20 days later led the Iraqi dictator.

New statistics from Japan quake toll; more than 18 thousand dead and missing
Over eight days of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and the number of missing Kshthshdgan incident to 18 thousand and 600 people have reached the new statistics, the quake Prtlfattryn to Japan after an earthquake in 1923 have made.Japanese police on Saturday announced that so far killed 320 people and seven thousand have been confirmed and name 11 thousand and 370 people were also missing in the list, and while looking at snow covered Japan and to many regions stricken from the snow alive hopes for missing dropped by.

Basij attacked Saudi Arabia consulate in Mashhad strongly condemned
A State Department official in the Kingdom of Saudi abuses its diplomatic representation in Mashhad in northeastern Iran strongly condemned. Courier Iran: The official pointed to the international laws and conventions full responsibility Mqrhay Tehran in support of all members representing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran in the soil was noted.

Airlines canceled flights to Bahrain, Iran
Following the political tension created between the political authorities with the Government of Bahrain Islamic Republic of Iran, Bahrain airline "Gulf Air" all their flights canceled the Iranian side. Radio Bahrain Israel Airlines flights to cities of Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan and Shiraz was cancel the flights, only the Friday evening hundreds of Iranian passengers stranded at airports and particularly at Tehran airport officials strongly protested.

Do bookmark this page Email this page to your friend do Register to Iran

Despite the opposition conservatives; Tehran Nowruz is hosted

Green media sympathy Iran earthquake victims in Japan

Release of several political prisoners on the eve of New Year

AFRICA Kostar cut federal campaigns by immediate tightening of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Green warriors condolence message to the people seen in Japan quake

Rise up and find independence and freedom back

Sadat Mohtashami of pride to strike Monday

Green Cinema directors: We left our hearts on the field Lulu

Approve warrant 20 years imprisonment for seven former director of the Baha'i community in appeals court

Died Warren Christopher, former Secretary of State America

Hedayat wife: anyone familiar with ABC policy and history knows that this situation is sustainable will be

Sheikh Yusuf Qrzavy: Developments Bahrain Revolution "is a cult"

Children Mousavi and Karroubi: This is not that cold black oppression and not remain chained

Benghazi attack, despite the claims of the Libyan government to accept a cease-fire

Most police unprecedented atmosphere in the country in the last seventy years

David Soleimani; imprisonment in jail: deprived of fresh air and call

Clashes between opposition and government forces entered a new phase was Syria

Supporters rally martyr grave Green Asa Kianoosh

Massive air and missile attacks on international forces to Libya

"Tens of thousands of" Yemen's opposition again gathered in Sana'a

Hillary Clinton: ceasefire announced by the Libyan not enough

Happy National Day Oil

No historical roots in goldfish Year spread is
Five Day Weather Forecast Ahvazpysh future status
Like last year, the Green New Year will Brsfhh Submission
Nowruz is coming again and again to the smell of spring comes spring Msham with nostalgia. This is the second New Year fellow vigorously not permanent, cholera coming to grief on the breast comes Yadyaran martyr, remembered Daliran imprisoned, oppressed damaged learn, learn Antzarvyad mothers of children orphaned by the eye is green like the grass our Nowruz Haft Seen and remains green as green ideas are in the other New Year eve we aimed to have an appointment at this time the green heart and his friends get together. Those who have their names forever immortal blood will keep them with their green ideas spread Sin Ydshan behind bars in widescreen and we will also Hmrh heart and their will and their families along with our New Year spread with green keep alive the memory of them will be completed
Minorities Draynh past year / from Kurdistan to Azerbaijan who was in Amman
Past year for religious minorities like the Sunnis, Baha'is, Yaresan [from right] and ethnic minorities like the Kurds, Baluchis and Iranian Azerbaijani year was difficult. This year began with the mass executions, with explosions and killings continue and ended with the assassination. It at the same time that the fire had been Kurdish John forests and lakes were drying time, as more water to extinguish the fire did not hold..
Wandering people in the border Bashmaq / hundreds of people waiting in the dust Eid
Bashmaq border here in the last hours of 1389. Not the boundary gives everything, even the smell of spring Marivan forests fires so far about 890 have gone through trying to survive have begun to enter the border, but that show Bashmaq soil to the smell of everything.
Islamic uprising "and the exception: Syria Protests Censorship in Iran
89 years in the last days of holidays in the news media and newspapers together, the wave of popular protests to the dictatorial regimes in the Middle East, to spread to Syria and on the first day of the protest and as the New York Times Posted at least four tons of the opposition to Bashar Assad were killed by security forces; protests to the official media were not the way to them as "Islamic uprising" was not given.
Fighters "Tornado" Great Britain bombed several points Drlyby
Great Britain Ministry of Defense sources said fighters "Tornado" This morning the country Sunday 20 - 3-2010 few points bombed Libya. Al-Arabiya: Jun Lvrymr military spokesman, General Great Britain said: "I approve Great Britain Royal Air Force Stvrmshadvr few rounds of some Tornado fighter GRE was 4." Official sources emphasized fighters flying from the East came to Great Britain and after the end of the base Mamvrt left.
Authoritarian media: Why the protesters, Ftnhgr say? Why do you arrest the leaders of the protests?
Two medium-dependent ruling autocrats in Iran, of being called Ftnhgr Bahraini protesters and ambivalence Qrzavy, governments towards America in Arabic and they have criticized the protests, but the dual Ahmadinejad's stance towards Iran and Syria in the same events and conduct conflicting media sponsor rights against government protesters in various countries, did not any mention.
Tens of thousands gathered in grief Kshthshdgan Yemeni citizen protests Friday
Streets of Sana'a, Yemen's capital, scene of Sunday's rally once again tens of thousands of Yemeni citizens in the protests on Friday were Kshthshdgan grief. According to AFP, the bodies of about thirty tons Kshthshdgan in the field near the university placed on Sana'a and demonstrators angry slogans against the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh have. In Friday's protests, 52 people, mostly with people shooting clothes, were killed and thus the number of protests Kshthshdgan Yemen, came to about 80 people.
"The situation in Japan's nuclear plants is improving Dayychy"
Reports from Japan suggest that present nuclear power plant engineers Dayychy Fvkvshyma have succeeded in the three reactors for electricity to flow throw the plant and one of the Japanese authorities announced that the plant situation is improving. According to Reuters, Sunday, 300 present in the plant engineers were able Dayychy Power Plant Reactor No. 2 to connect, and while that to the CNN news network, power reactors 5 and 6 as well as the plant had fallen earlier to stream .
Second Iranian cargo plane forced to land in Turkey for inspection
A few days after the forced landing of a cargo plane Iranians "suspicious" at the airport headed to Syria, Diyarbakir Turkey, Turkish security officials on Sunday to stop a cargo plane forced another Islamic Republic in the same airport for inspections reported. According to AFP, the plane Saturday night and looking down the command from the Turkish authorities had to stop was the airport. Officials still have the aircraft inspected to ensure that the said aircraft is not going to prohibit any military weapons or to transfer to Syria.
China and Russia's military intervention in the West have criticized Libya
International coalition operations against supporters Muammar response has been facing various countries in America and Hmpymanansh while air and sea capabilities to run their no-fly zone have been mobilized over Libya, China and Russia criticized the language of military intervention in the West Gshvdhand Libya. Saturday evening, Barack Obama, America's President, who has traveled to Brazil stressed that military intervention in Libya in response to its people, who are actually threatened, has been done.
Military operations "at dawn visit, repeated on Saddam to Gaddafi
Beginning with the first part of joint military operations "Odyssey Down" (Travel at dawn), by America and Naval Operations "Elamite" Great Britain by the Navy, shortly after the invasion of 20 independent French fighter aircraft to the Libyan soil, Countdown Gaddafi began pushing power. Eight years ago, the same day (March 19) America and Great Britain's military joint operations against Saddam's regime began to collapse 20 days later led the Iraqi dictator.
New statistics from Japan quake toll; more than 18 thousand dead and missing
Over eight days of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, and the number of missing Kshthshdgan incident to 18 thousand and 600 people have reached the new statistics, the quake Prtlfattryn to Japan after an earthquake in 1923 have made.Japanese police on Saturday announced that so far killed 320 people and seven thousand have been confirmed and name 11 thousand and 370 people were also missing in the list, and while looking at snow covered Japan and to many regions stricken from the snow alive hopes for missing dropped by.
Basij attacked Saudi Arabia consulate in Mashhad strongly condemned
A State Department official in the Kingdom of Saudi abuses its diplomatic representation in Mashhad in northeastern Iran strongly condemned. Courier Iran: The official pointed to the international laws and conventions full responsibility Mqrhay Tehran in support of all members representing the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran in the soil was noted.
Airlines canceled flights to Bahrain, Iran
Following the political tension created between the political authorities with the Government of Bahrain Islamic Republic of Iran, Bahrain airline "Gulf Air" all their flights canceled the Iranian side. Radio Bahrain Israel Airlines flights to cities of Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan and Shiraz was cancel the flights, only the Friday evening hundreds of Iranian passengers stranded at airports and particularly at Tehran airport officials strongly protested.
Despite the opposition conservatives; Tehran Nowruz is hosted
Green media sympathy Iran earthquake victims in Japan
Release of several political prisoners on the eve of New Year
AFRICA Kostar cut federal campaigns by immediate tightening of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Green warriors condolence message to the people seen in Japan quake
Rise up and find independence and freedom back
Sadat Mohtashami of pride to strike Monday
Green Cinema directors: We left our hearts on the field Lulu
Approve warrant 20 years imprisonment for seven former director of the Baha'i community in appeals court
Died Warren Christopher, former Secretary of State America
Hedayat wife: anyone familiar with ABC policy and history knows that this situation is sustainable will be
Sheikh Yusuf Qrzavy: Developments Bahrain Revolution "is a cult"
Children Mousavi and Karroubi: This is not that cold black oppression and not remain chained
Benghazi attack, despite the claims of the Libyan government to accept a cease-fire
Most police unprecedented atmosphere in the country in the last seventy years
David Soleimani; imprisonment in jail: deprived of fresh air and call
Clashes between opposition and government forces entered a new phase was Syria
Supporters rally martyr grave Green Asa Kianoosh
Massive air and missile attacks on international forces to Libya
"Tens of thousands of" Yemen's opposition again gathered in Sana'a
Hillary Clinton: ceasefire announced by the Libyan not enough
Happy National Day Oil
No historical roots in goldfish Year spread is
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