Syrian government resign
Syrian government officials in order to fulfill its promise in a radical and fundamental reforms in political and economic structure of Syria, today resigned Tuesday. AFP quoted from Damascus, a senior Syrian officials on Tuesday announced the Syrian government resigned today.While the news was released before the government had announced to fulfill its promises of higher authorities in implementing a radical and fundamental reforms in political and economic structure will resign.

Disappearance of more than 70 thousand citizens in the Syrian challenge of national reconciliation
Shaban Bsynh Consulting Syrian President in recent days, including a new reform promises to cancel emergency law, parties and press freedom legislation announced; However, many Syrians believe that independent jurists challenging cases, there are many against the democratic change in Syria to prevent the creation

German aid to the "secret deal" between Iran and India
"Commercial banks in Europe and Iran," based in Hamburg, the United States to "finance its nuclear program" Astbr accused a German newspaper reported, despite the Iranian government under the EU sanctions are in Europe and America, "German Bvndsbank" German central bank, generally the secret to an oil deal between Iran and India helped.

Gaddafi started the countdown to remove, replace negotiations with the government at the London Conference
International conference in London on Tuesday attended by representatives of more than 35 countries have started to work, an opportunity to legitimize the transitional government after the removal Gaddafi Libya. Faster progress towards the opposition Gaddafi in Tripoli that the agreement depends on the sidelines of the London Conference with Mahmoud Gabriel Liberation Movement leader of Libya is done. During the few days leading up to the London conference, Gaddafi leading opposition force that NATO forces have air cover, and thus quickly found Ajdbyh cities, Bryqh, Qylh, Ben J. Ross Nalvf and get them without much resistance left. Before the current military operations by coalition forces, forces opposed to Gaddafi in Benghazi city were in danger of falling.

If Libya rebels what will really win?
James Travb "writer and analyst on U.S. foreign policy article in website" Farn policy "crisis Libya paid to the possible consequences and remind the U.S. military intervention previous experience warns that if no clear map of neglect and restore power to the replacement process Politics in this country may well become the fate of Iraq. He stressed that government neglect and connivance George Bush in this area led the overthrow of Arab dictators to make a civil war in Iraq Brbgyrd. Just why is that "Lisa Anderson" one of the few experts of contemporary history and head of the Libyan city of Cairo, American University warns: "Any military intervention in Libya from the start should be with all the logistics and mechanisms necessary for the country's political reconstruction be associated. "

Libya set future meeting "without Gaddafi" held in London
While more than 40 government representatives and international organizations on Tuesday afternoon in London, the capital of Great Britain, to come together about the future of Libya "without Gaddafi" decide, Italy and Great Britain exiled leader suggested the country have raised. However, Russia's absence at this meeting would be very sensible. Russia in the UN Security Council resolution that Libya abstained votes has recently commented that such an international military activity in Libya from the United Nations ruling, "We are going beyond."

«Jihad economic» Ayatollah Khamenei any
Norouz in his message, Ayatollah Khamenei, the Islamic Revolution in 1390 "the year of economic jihad" named: "The year which begins from the moment we realize we must state the most fundamental issues, and they all centered I think economic issues. So I have this year "the year of economic jihad" and I named the country's authorities, whether in government, whether in parliament, whether in other sectors that are related to economic issues and I expect that our beloved nation in the economic arena Jhadgvnh moving work, their endeavors. "

"The young 21 year old Iranian responsibility for hacking Gmail and Yahoo were in Iran"
U.S. newspaper Wall Street Journal says in a report to a young 21 year old hacker who recently introduced an online ID services in Iran was able to Skype, Gmail, Firefox and hack Yahoo and the responsibilities it has undertaken. This young student has introduced in its website, "Pystbyn dot com» (Pastebin.com) message and put their "Kmvdv hacker" has been introduced. Kmvdv Internet company reported that first announced this hack.

Yahoo, Google and Skype, "hackers target associated with the Islamic Republic"
Reports that hackers are trying to lead Internet users to fake versions of several reputable Internet site, a digital certificate to several security companies have web access. An attack which, according to Web security company, "it seems" the Islamic Republic has been Saman. Company Kvmvdv in New Jersey in the American digital certificates confirm the identity of Internet users is issued, said at least nine cases of such attacks that track considering the complexity of the Islamic Republic of Iran may be working.

Temporary Tyly seven nuclear plants in Germany; costs and consequences
Decision, "Angela Merkel" Germany's chancellor to temporarily shut down seven nuclear plants in this country costs about half a billion euros was Drbrkhvahd that makes it not the German commitment to reduce carbon dioxide production runs. Website Der Spiegel in a report about it reminds Merkel government has announced the first three months of restoration plans and continuity of the nation's nuclear power plants work will delay it. But now chancellor of Germany has decided to close seven plants old and at least one of these plant closures will be forever.

Removal of subsidies; gas bills: 20 800 USD by tomans!
Representative Abadeh, Bavanat Khrmbyd in Parliament and said: "Gas prices, consumer bills in our electorate is strange Ghyrkarshnasy. Liberation of Iran: "David Mhmdjany" in an interview with House Nation, said: "According to eyewitness reports and Mshahdhhay learned that gas prices listed on the bills is not a disability; that this issue concerns people continue to design targeted subsidies along. He added: "I think the gas price calculation system, the electorate our household is in trouble, so that the family before the 20 dollars was spent to pay for gas; the price of gas in her new bills are calculated about 800 thousand USD is.

America and British foreign ministers met with opposition Gaddafi
According to Reuters, a senior government official Hillary Clinton America announced today the country's foreign minister during his visit to London to attend an international conference about Libya, the Libyan leader of the National Council (opposition Gaddafi) met .Mohammad Jbryl the National Council of State in charge of Libya is considered as well with William Hague, British Foreign Secretary met

332 + people arrested in February 1389 in Iran
Approaching on February 25 and requested demonstrations of the Mir-Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi Office to demonstrate support for regional protests in countries such as Tunisia and Egypt, Iran started a new wave of arrests and many civil rights activist and political and media were arrested. The House Human Rights in Iran "on 20 to 24 of us in the Persian month Bahman least 30 political and civil activists were arrested in different parts of Iran. Also holding the protest process in 25 arrests of citizens once again lead to bulk up the number of statistics was arrested.

"Double standards of the West will benefit Islamists"
"Iran since the Islamic Revolution occurred in 1979 West constantly concerned about the occurrence of similar movements in the Arabic countries. But in practice the past three decades, local Arabic countries control policy was not any Tghyyrmhmy. However, from early 2011 onwards speed events in the Middle East countries dizziness are happening in technology. "Omar Tashpynar" Master of issues in Turkey Research Center, "Brookings" in Vashygtn in the analytical perspectives in News "CNN" was published, pointing to overthrow the regimes in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya and military intervention exacerbated the crisis the international community, protests spread in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain said that recent events quarterly starting point and the rapid changes in global entire Middle East.

Theater instead of bombs and guns, dialogue instead of war
Twenty-seventh of March, against the seventh poster's Day theater.The day his roots reaches about 50 years ago. In 1962 CE, according to Norway's proposal to put the name of the day World Theater Day, the day twenty-seventh day of March, which had reopened the Theater of Nations in Paris will be chosen and this day every year all over the world theater centers, with perform a ceremony of appreciation from theater to art transcendent.

Success in Libya waiting Akhvanalmslmyn
Bdalmnm Hrsha doctor, one of the senior Akhvanalmslmyn, who now lives in London, believes the group's future after the fall of the regime of Libya's Gaddafi will play an important role. Such as Egypt and Tunisia, in Libya under the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood protests spread in the Arab world has a new life. News network CNN, is a look at the history of the group activities in Libya and the promise Bdalmnm Hrsha Akhvanalmslmyn writes that with other parts of Libya in 1920 the organization was formed in Egypt and is active in most Arabic countries, but has no organizational relationship perspective are common.
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